
Hashidate-do Temple

Chichibu Fudasho No.28 Hashidate-do Temple

  • Chichibu Fudasho No.28 Hashidate-do Temple

Hashidatedo, Fudasho No.28, is built so that the hall is wedged under a limestone rock wall several tens of meters high. It was built in the middle of the Edo period (1603-1868).

Of the 100 sacred sites of the Bato Kannon, only this temple and Aobayama Matsuoji Temple, Fudasho No29 in the western part of Japan, have the Bato Kannon as their principal deity, which is rare.
The temple is often visited by visitors to pray for traffic safety.
The Hashidate Shonnyudo Cave next to the hall is said to have once been a sacred site for pilgrims to pass through to get inside the womb.

Chichibu Fudasho No.28 Hashidate-do Temple
Japanese notation
〒369-1872 Kamikagemori675,chichibu-shi,Saitama
Phone number
nearest station
20-minutes walk from Chichibu Railway Urayamaguchi Station.
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